Le Roux & Du Plessis Attorneys is a niche law firm based in Centurion, Pretoria specialising in Family Law (Divorce Law & Child and Spouse Maintenance), Property Law (including Coveyancing) and High Court Litigation.
Le Roux & Du Plessis Attorneys currently employs 15 (fifteen) full time employees, 5 (five) of which are qualified Attorneys, Notaries and / or Conveyancers and / or Registered Patent Attorneys. All our Attorneys are admitted with Right of Appearance in the High Court of South Africa and appear regularly in the High and Lower Courts.
Our Firm’s strengths in Pretoria reflect the Firm’s vast transactional and litigation experience. Our lawyers have a sophisticated understanding of risk and are able to draw on a wealth of specialist insights and skills to guide clients through their constantly changing legal and regulatory challenges. We work alongside them to achieve their strategic objectives.
Clients choose to work with us because we can provide exceptional lawyers with industry expertise. Our personal knowledge of our clients enables us to work with them to maximise their market opportunities. They value our flexible approach to teamwork and that we will shape our structures and way of working to meet their specific needs.
Our style is open, service focused, and friendly. We believe that our commitment to client service, commerciality, and teamwork provides benefits to our clients and enhances effective business relationships.