Sports / Entertainment / Immigration & Employment Law Specialists in Johannesburg.
Sports Law
The increased commercialisation and commodification of sport continues to attract competing interests and disputes in sport. Equally, sport has seen increased regulation from sports governing bodies and the state. It is now more important than ever, for all involved in sport to seek specialist advice that they can rely on and rest assured that they have complied with the applicable rules, regulations and laws and sufficiently protected their rights or interests. Our firm has an in-depth knowledge and understanding of the sports law area, having acted for, and advised, a diverse range of clients, including athletes, clubs, league, sponsors and sports governing bodies.
Entertainment Law
Technological advancements have changed the way content is created and consumed in the entertainment industry. This has impacted on rights holders in several ways. In some instances the impact has been positive and in some negative. The protection of rights has become a priority for all stakeholders. It is therefore important for all that want to contribute to change, optimally exploit opportunities or protect their rights to obtain expert advice. We have acted for, and advised, different clients in the entertainment industry and we are confident that we can provide advice that can place our clients in the best position in commercial, regulatory and litigious matters.
Employment Law
Employment relationships are often contested with both the employer and employee often seeking to position themselves in the best place possible. This often places employers and employees on a collision course. Our firm has acted for, and advised, both employers and employees on various regulatory and dispute resolution or littigation matters. We are confident that we can provide advice that can place our clients in the best possible position no matter which side of the employer/employee divide they find themselves on.
Immigration Law
If Immigration is not handled properly, visiting, or migrating to, South Africa can be a very complex and frustrating process. We have been involved in, and are confident to assist with;
providing regulatory advice
preparing waiver, visa and permit applications
appeal and/or review applications against administrative decisions of the Department of Home Affairs.
Pro Bono
We offer free legal advice and services to those that meet our requirements, and qualify for, probono services.
Office Hours
Monday – Friday: 08:00 – 17:00
Weekends: Closed